Category: Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot Displaying on Mobile Phone Screen

Microsoft Launches Commercial Generative AI Features – Let Velosio be Your Copilot

It’s hard to name another product release garnering more attention than the introduction of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) natural language text generation application developed by OpenAI. Everyone, from students to newspaper reporters to major companies, has dabbled with it, making it something of an overnight sensation. You’re likely aware that Microsoft…
Business Services

Top ERP Trends for 2023

ERPs belong to a rare class of “OG enterprise software.” They date back to the 1960s, (AKA: ancient history for tech), yet somehow, in 2023, they’re still the most important software in the stack. Like any industry veteran, the ERP stays relevant by continuously evolving alongside economic conditions, customer expectations, and the latest tech.  Post-COVID,…