Transforming the Client Experience – Digital Transformation for Professional Services Series (1 of 3)

Watch the 1st of 3 brand new 25 minute video interviews with leading Microsoft experts in digital transformation for large professional services organizations.

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    Watch the first of three brand new interviews with leading Microsoft experts in digital transformation for large professional services organizations.

    Here are the top three areas that organizations need to focus on to transform the client experience:

    1. Start with a plan: Organizations need to develop a plan for how they can improve their client experience using digital transformation. This plan should include a review of the organization’s current business and operating models, as well as a focus on the outcomes that the organization wants to achieve.
    2. Focus on the client and leverage technology: Organizations need to focus on the needs of their clients and how technology can be used to improve their experience. This includes things like providing consistent and personalized experiences, using mobile technology, and providing clients with access to data and information.
    3. Embrace agility and data-driven decision making: Organizations need to be agile and willing to experiment in order to improve their client experience. They also need to be data-driven, meaning that they should use data to track their progress and make decisions about how to improve.

    Watch Streamlining Operations and Projects – Digital Transformation for Professional Services Series (2 of 3)

    More resources:

    Data and Analytics for Business LeadersData and Analytics for Business Leaders

    A Guide to the Professional Services Industry

    ERP Rescue and Recovery: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

    Mastering Copilot eBookMastering Copilot eBook

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