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Blog Post

illustration of 2 different paths

What is the Difference Between ERP and CRM?

On the surface, an ERP and a CRM system might look like they have a lot in common.  Both are data repositories that provide a single source of truth for the entire business. Both are used to streamline operations and improve the customer experience. And – both play a central role in optimizing revenue.  But…

Blog Post

Business people puzzle nav process

What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?

 ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning software unifies and stores data from the entire organization — finance, manufacturing, HR, commerce, and the supply chain — from a single platform.  That enterprise-wide connection allows data to flow freely between departments, locations, and individuals, allowing users to easily analyze and interpret all of that valuable information they’re sitting on.…

Blog Post

Business solutions compass

The Importance of ERP for Your Business

The modern ERP system is often described as the “central nervous system” of the enterprise or the “foundation for digital transformation.”  And for good reason.  See, ERPs offer a single platform for integrating data and processes across the entire business. And – it’s that particular quality, unity, that sets it apart from other IT investments,…

Blog Post

Business Services

Top ERP Trends for 2023

ERPs belong to a rare class of “OG enterprise software.” They date back to the 1960s, (AKA: ancient history for tech), yet somehow, in 2023, they’re still the most important software in the stack. Like any industry veteran, the ERP stays relevant by continuously evolving alongside economic conditions, customer expectations, and the latest tech.  Post-COVID,…

Blog Post

A Cloud Computing diagram- infrastructure provisioning provisioning

Automate Provisioning with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code, (IaC), is the process of provisioning resources in data centers (normally in the cloud) through scripts (machine-readable files); rather than using interactive configuration tools. IaC is important for organizations because it drives a prescriptive approach into systems deployment, with repeatable, consistent outcomes. With IaC, DevOps teams can work together with a unified…

Blog Post

Leadership Concept with Wooden People- employee buy in

Change Management: How to Win Employee Buy-In with Real Data & Tangible Outcomes

It doesn’t matter how big, small, or impactful the proposed change, getting stakeholders on-board will always be the first major hurdle you face in your transformation journey. Now, the problem is, change is something that people tend to fear and actively avoid. Unless you can put employees at ease and prove your “big idea” is…

Blog Post

Blue Paper Airplane Exiting the Path of White Paper Airplanes

How Using Real Data for Testing and Training Can Improve Your Change Management Strategy

If you want employees to drive outcomes, you have to show them exactly how to make that happen – using real-world insights to embed change into daily operations and prevent employees from backsliding into old habits. When training is limited to hypothetical scenarios, employees miss critical opportunities to solve problems and drive meaningful improvements. That…

Blog Post

Future of commercial Field service

How Field Service Companies Can Unify Diverse Operations for Maximum Value

In this blog series, and the accompanying eBook, The Future of Commercial Field Service Companies, we’ve been highlighting how technology can help field service companies attract and retain qualified employees, elevate the customer experience, increase worker efficiency, and boost profitability. In this final installment of blog series, we touch on what we think may be…

Blog Post

Cybersecurity Experts Discussing Strategy

Elements of a World-Class Ransomware Strategy

Historically, IT resources existed within clear boundaries. You’d have all servers, devices, and software in one place, protected by perimeter-based solutions. Often, identity and access controls existed in this binary where the decision to “allow” or “deny” requests was based on absolutes. For example, internal traffic is inherently trustworthy, while external traffic is a threat…

Blog Post

Physical Server with Cybersecurity Icons- on premises dynamics ransomware

Protecting On-Premises Microsoft Dynamics from Ransomware

Despite what some legacy holdouts may still believe, on-premises systems aren’t more secure than their counterparts in the cloud. On-prem tech is vulnerable to many of the same threats facing cloud-based apps and services — and then some. It’s now seen as a liability – posing a serious threat to customers, partners, and even your…