Your search for "digital transformation" returned 292 results

Blog Post

technology ecosystem

How the Microsoft Ecosystem Enables Digital Transformation

The Microsoft ecosystem was designed for transformation. It’s flexible, adaptable, and easy to customize. It can be scaled up or down in response to demand fluctuations. You can add, remove, or replace modules and integrations based on real-time needs and changing requirements. But, let’s be clear: most of the benefits Microsoft has to offer don’t…

Blog Post

Top Digital Transformation Challenges and How to Mitigate Them

Top Digital Transformation Challenges and How to Mitigate Them

Digital transformation isn’t something you get to opt out of because it’s difficult, expensive, or you just don’t feel like dealing with it right now. Skip the harrowing journey and your business dies. Commit to transformation, and well, the odds aren’t much better — the path to DX success is riddled with potentially fatal pitfalls.…

Blog Post

laptop open with cloud technology

Accelerating Digital Transformation with the Cloud

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate to such an extent that cloud transformation is the catalyst for digital transformation. It’s what enables orgs to leverage big data, embrace new ways of working, pounce on emerging opportunities, and pivot in response to new requirements. On-premises systems and legacy tech don’t just slow digital transformations…

Blog Post

man holding up technology cloud

Digital Transformation Best Practices

There’s no official digital transformation framework or guide you can follow to achieve X or Y critical outcome. But – there are a few things successful “transformers” tend to have in common. For example, they look at the overall perspective, while maintaining focus on a specific goal. They give workers what they need to handle…

Blog Post

Coworkers working on a project

6 Change Management Strategies for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation fundamentally changes how businesses create value at every level. That, in turn, changes how work is done, what skills matter most, and how performance is measured. All of this, of course, can be pretty jarring, even for high-performers and “go-with-the-flow” types, who under different circumstances, take change in stride. As you can imagine,…

Blog Post

people managing data

Data Management: Setting the Foundation for Digital Transformation

Today, data is more than just an operational necessity – it’s a strategic asset that can be leveraged to carve out a competitive advantage. That’s why savvy organizations are prioritizing DX initiatives that make their data work harder for them. But – there’s a catch. In order to successfully unlock the value hidden among their…

Blog Post

Cloud with security icon- security digital transformation

Security Transformation: The Role of IT Security in Digital Transformation

According to Microsoft, we’re currently in an era of transformation — cloud transformation, digital transformation, and security transformation are converging. Together, these transformative forces are redefining business operations, workflows, and how we collaborate, communicate, and preserve institutional knowledge. As companies strive for greater agility, efficiency, and flexibility and start adding new technologies and processes to…

Blog Post

What to Look for in a Digital Transformation Partner | Velosio

What to Look for in a Digital Transformation Partner

Nothing about digital transformation is easy. Delivering on transformation goals demands a specific skill set that, let’s face it, a lot of companies haven’t quite mastered. It also requires a significant amount of time, resources, and “all-in commitment” from the entire org chart – from the front lines to the back office, the C-suite, and…

Blog Post

future of digital transformation

Future of Digital Transformation

“The only constant is change,” may be a worn-out cliche, but it perfectly captures the current (and likely, future) state of digital transformation. A 2021 IDC analyst brief summed it up pretty well, noting that we’ve reached a critical turning re: digital transformation. It wasn’t that long ago (we’re talking: 2019) that digital transformation was…